Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer Time...

Summer got you feeling a little frazzled? (Ooh, ooh, if I had enough energy, I'd raise my hand...)

Well, I've figured out that there are two ways to make it through busy, fun days of entertaining 4 happy, active, well rounded children... (err, I mean there are 2 ways to survive raising 4 wild monkeys!)

#1, Get everyone on a well-rounded scedual, that is balanced with reading, practicing math facts, exploring "big" ideas, and fun out-door activities. It should include a rest time, when each child is simotaniously tucked into their little beds. Older children can listen to a great piece of lititure on tape, while little ones can sweetly dream of the fun activities the day still holds. And you are able to quietly put your feet up, and sip some cool lemonaid while leafing through your favorite magazine.

#2, Turn on Sponge Bob, brew yourself a giant mug of expresso, and pass out on the floor while you wait for it to take effect, letting your kids climb all over you like a jungle gym...

Aaah!! I gotta run. Sponge Bob is about to start, and my hot-water is ready...

Good luck! H


  1. ok, can i just say that i have felt like this all summer, and it's only halfway over? (please, tell me it's at least halfway over...)

    good grief. i beat myself up almost every day about how i'm not being a good enough mom, not sending my kids to camps, not even making it to the pool most days (which i can blame a sufficient amount of the time on rain but other times i'm just too exhausted to get everyone ready and out the door).

    it's brutal.

    that's all i got. just finished MY giant mug of espresso and now need to get some work done while my monkeys are asleep, since it's obviously not happening while they are awake!


  2. I think that whole purpose of summer is to remind mothers that it is a miracle we are able to keep a schedule at all during the rest of the year. I haven't been on time for anything since school got out!
