Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Three-Year-Old Mind

As I drove the kids to school this morning, I turned on the radio. Now, as my kids get to be better listeners, they have been hearing what people are singing, so I've had to become very careful about what we are listening to.

When Jason Marz's I'm Yours came on, I figured I was safe. And I was, until about half way through the song when he belts out, "open up your plans and damn your free," and the Entertainer starts giggling in the back seat.

Oh great, now we are going to have to take on the d-word, I'm thinking to myself.

"Hey mommy, guess what the man said!" His little 3-year old voice chirps from the backseat. "He said 'open up your pants.' Ha ha. That's funny."

And suddenly I'm lost in the world of how-far-should-I-explain-this...

1 comment:

  1. i was laughing because your kids hadn't heard the d-word yet. oy. i have this one song on my ipod and it has the f-word on it, and damn, i mean, darn, i always forget to turn it down during that part...
